Our Sponsors

Without the genuine intrigue, vision, and generosity of our sponsors, we would not be where we are today. As one of the youngest Canadian rocketry teams with one of the hardest projects, MACH’s progress is a testament to the sponsors making it all happen.

  • We are reliant on external support to continue what we’re doing and take on even bigger projects. Our sponsors provide us with operational funding, equipment support, parts & tools, manufacturing, industry expertise, and more.

  • As one of the only organizations in the entire country working on liquid rocket propulsion technology, our sponsors are making a difference in the rapidly growing field of Canadian rocketry.

If you or your organization like what we’re doing, and want to support the next generation of Canadian aerospace engineers and rocket scientists, please get in touch with us through the contacts page!

  • All sponsors will be prominently displayed on our website, referenced in our social media, and have their logos placed on team apparel worn during competitions and day-to-day by our members. Major sponsors will also have their logos displayed on the test stand, dramatically lit by the fiery glow of a rocket engine.

  • All sponsors will receive updates on the team’s progress and invitations to our exciting hot-fire tests. Interested sponsors can also reach out to us for internships and recruitment from our diverse, incredible, and brilliant team. Any special requests such as access to media and research data can also be accommodated.
